Table of Contents

Welcome Guide

Thank you for choosing Vostel, it's so good to have you onboard 8-)

I'm Andy, the founder of Vostel and I really appreciate you choosing us as your telecoms provider. Don't worry, we will look after you!

Getting Started

If you haven't already, we recommend signing up for our customer area, affectionately known as Stan 😎 Once logged in you can manage your Vostel account and all aspects of your phone system. Things like setting a call forward, adding a contact or grabbing a copy of an invoice is a cinch. Jump right in


We have a really simple Accounts system. We invoice on the 1st of each month and collect around the 20th. Copy invoices can be found at our customer area should you need them. If you have any account queries please drop us an email.

Sales Enquiries

Need a headset or something else? You can contact Sales by email, or phone, 01323884884.

How to get Support

If you find yourself stuck, and need a quick guide for setting something up then here is a link to our handy customer centre at If you need something a little more in depth feel free to get in touch, we're a friendly bunch. You can contact Support by email, or phone, 01323884884.

Issues with previous providers

Sometimes we receive support calls where certain callers cannot get through. A potential cause for this is where the previous provider has not removed your number(s) from their systems. If the caller is also with the same provider then the call will fail. It is worth checking your number(s) has been removed once the number porting has completed.

Hosted Telephony

We have some great guides ready for you right here to help with recording a greeting, setting up voicemail and using feature codes.

Oona web app



Detailed guides

Chrome Edge

Demo video of Oona with Garage Hive

Garage Hive contacts setup

Connect the Vostel customer area Stan to Garage Hive contacts.

Login to Garage Hive

The syncronisation takes place every hour

Thank you once again and if there is anything else you need, just let us know.

Andy email